“Koether, Semmer, Trockel”, 1985, La Maquina Espanola, Sevilla
HeldInnen des Hedonismus/If it’s not baroque don’t fix it, Broken Graffiti No2 – curated by Petra Stegmann, with Neues Atelierhaus Panzerhalle
HeldInnen des Hedonismus, Broken Graffiti no2, apart of “Faszination und Fassade”, Künstlerische Einmischung in Potsdam
Pleasure Plants – names in German and Latin (Pleasure Ground project by Neues Atelierhaus Panzerhalle)
Das Gute Leben – Potsdam 2015, curated by Petra Stegmann, with Neues Atelierhaus Panzerhalle
Die Mitte ist der Rand, DAT Galerie Berlin, 2014
A stunning left hook, 2014, at SEMMER BERLIN
ENDE, Kunstverein Schwerin, 2012
Prinzip Collage, SEMMER BERLIN 2012-13
Willkür mit Kontrast, 2010, Transient, Berlin, curated with Robert Mueller-Moa
Where are the disappeared Saharauis? 2010 in Tifariti
Galerie Crone, Jubiläumsausstellung, 2009
“Still”, installation of portraits with historical portrait, Club von Berlin, 2008
Family EarthQuake, 2008 at Gallery 33, with Maria Linares, Ina Bruchlos, Ana Maria Millan and Andres Sandoval
“Painting Factory”, Assisted Painting SEries and workshops, 2001 Spacex Gallery, Exeter