Bettina Semmer / Najdat Rustom
Pflanzen, die heilen, würzen und Vergnügen bereiten
Im Rahmen von Pleasure Ground, einem Projekt von Neues Atelierhaus Panzerhalle, 2016
Save the Date: 27. November 2016: Pleasure Ground – Aktionen im winterlichen Garten
Plants that heal, season and please.
With the framework of Pleasure Ground, an project by Neues Atelierhaus Panzerhalle, curated by Petra Stegmann
Pleasure Plants – with Najdat Rustom (Pleasure Ground project by Neues Atelierhaus Panzerhalle)

Pleasure Plants – plant signs in Arabic from the side of the new neighbours (Pleasure Ground project by Neues Atelierhaus Panzerhalle)